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Data only SIM deals

Compare data only SIM deals from the leading mobile networks. SIMs perfect for iPads, tablets and car WiFi. Data only SIM prices start from £24.00p/m.

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3 deals available
Three Data SimThree+ RewardsUK's fastest 5G networkPrice valid until April 2025, then increases by £1.50 each April during contract
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • no minutes included
  • no texts included
  • 12month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£24.00per month£24.00per monthSee Deal
Three Data SimThree+ RewardsUK's fastest 5G networkPrice valid until April 2025, then increases by £1.50 each April during contract
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • no minutes included
  • no texts included
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£24.00per month£24.00per monthSee Deal
Three Data SimThree+ RewardsUK's fastest 5G networkPrice valid until April 2025, then increases by £1.50 each April during contract
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • no minutes included
  • no texts included
  • 1month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£30.00per month£30.00per monthSee Deal
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How to choose the best data only SIM

Dan Howdle Dan Howdle

So you've got a tablet or a laptop with an empty SIM slot and you've decided you want fast 4G or 5G broadband access while you're out and about. How do you know which SIM is right for you? Which provider should you choose? What sort of contract? Here's what you should consider and in what order.

  • How much data you need? – This can be tough to pin down because it depends both on what you intend to do with your device and how much you intend to do it. If you use your device for social media, sending and receiving the odd email and browsing the web, you really don't need very much data: 1-5GB will be sufficient. If you stream a lot of video, though, you will need many times that (10GB to 50GB). The most reassuring advice we can give you here is to go in low: Get a 1GB data only SIM if you believe there's a chance it'll be enough, then upgrade it to a higher allowance if you find yourself going over. Providers are always happy for you to pay them more for more data
  • Which network provider? – There are four network providers in the UK: O2, Vodafone, EE and Three. All other providers piggyback on one of those four. Choosing a network should be a simple matter. You already have a phone and you almost certainly get a good signal. So, the easiest and safest choice will be to get a data-only SIM on that same network, either with the same provider or with another provider that uses it. We detail which providers use which network in the next section
  • Compare deals – You can use the table at the top of this page to compare data-only SIM deals. Decide what's important to you and use the sorting options and filters to narrow down your search. Looking for the cheapest? Just sort by price – and so on. We don't currently have all the data-only SIM deals out there in our comparison and are working to include more. At the very least, what's here on this page will give you an idea of what you're likely to pay
  • Choose a SIM and click through – Once you've chosen something you like, click 'See Deal' to take you through to the provider's site where you can complete your purchase

Data limits and unlimited data-only SIMs

Before we get into the FAQ, there are a few bits and pieces you need to think about/be aware of around data limits, what happens when you hit them and some limitations on the use of data-only SIMs.

What happens when I hit my data limit?

As with your mobile phone, when you hit your monthly limit, a number of different things can happen depending on the package and provider you have chosen. Some will charge you a set amount per additional gigabyte you use until your next rollover period when your data renews. Others will simply cut you off, notifying you that you've hit your limit and offering to sell you a bit more data to tide you over.

Our point, though, is not to describe for you what every provider and package is going to do in this situation. Rather, we want to get across how important it is for you to find out exactly what happens in this situation before signing up.

Can I get data-only SIMs with unlimited data?

Yes. Most providers now offer data only SIMS with unlimited data, including O2, EE, Vodafone and Three all offer unlimited data SIMs.

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